“In the company of the wicked”
“Instead of presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Lord of Life she hijacked the prayer service to advance her own ideological bias.”
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“Instead of presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Lord of Life she hijacked the prayer service to advance her own ideological bias.”
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“The time has come when the Christian people of America should take into their own hands the work of reclaiming the government and wielding its power more decisively for the glory of God and the highest good of human nature.”
Read Moreby arp2023 | | Miscellaneous, Civics, Renewal Project News | 0
Obama’s Omnipotent Thought Machine – Destroyed
Read Moreby arp2023 | | Pastors & Clergy, Culture, Civics | 0
“Stagecraft” vs. “Statecraft” – What’s the difference?
Read Moreby arp2023 | | Uncategorized, Human Interest, News Updates, Civics, Renewal Project News | 0
Lane’s law of political, ground-level, involvement. The battle begins.
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“We now know that Trumpism is not a passing fad; it is not a temporary condition. Starting on Jan. 20, 2025, it will be an empowered regime.
“Had Joe Biden made good on his promise to be a transitional figure – a ‘bridge’ to a new generation of Democratic candidates – we might not be in this situation. He would have been a hero. Now, he will be remembered most for his ill-advised decision to attempt a reelection run.”
Read Moreby arp2023 | | Pastors & Clergy, Civics | 0
Democrats have multiple spiritual problems. All such inane ideologies like Critical Race Theory, DEI, homosexual and gender dysphoria, race division, and indoctrinating children to hate America and hate each other are destructive, dissolute and debased, and so far apart as to be irreconcilable with the American Founders’ precept of a nation founded for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith.
Read Moreby arp2023 | | Pastors & Clergy, Civics | 0
“Fifth, we will support bringing back prayer to our schools.”
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We come to the crux of the problem in America; anyone who thinks that what is happening in America has to do with Democrats versus Republicans has been disconnected from reality. In actual fact, the battle is between God Jehovah and the false god of secularism.
If Christians stay home from the voting booth on Tuesday, November 5, then those who do not know God will elect their representatives, who then draft and pass legislation and codify into law their blasphemous values.
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“Whatever the reason for voting, it all comes down to duty. Our nation was born from stout-hearted patriots who knew their duty and did it, even when the odds were against them. So even when there are concerns about the integrity of the election process, there is still a civic responsibility to vote. By arming ourselves with facts and testing those facts against prayerful reflection and biblical values, we can be assured that we have made informed choices and carried out our duty, regardless of the outcome.
Read More“I’m not supposed to be here tonight. I stand before you in this arena by the grace of Almighty God. And watching the reports over the last few days, many people say it was a Providential moment.” Donald Trump – ¿Spared for a purpose?
Read Moreby arp2023 | | Civics, Renewal Project News | 0 |
“I heard Jim Caviezel speak tonight. What he shared was as strong as any sermon I have ever heard in my entire life. Holy Spirit conviction filled the massive ballroom. God was there! He sometimes stopped in silence. No one moved. He shed a few tears. So did the crowd. The most powerful, reverent, God-fearing talk ever. He understands exactly where our nation is. And he rightly raised the question, in a moment of righteous anger, ‘Where are the pastors and priests?!!!!! Why aren’t they standing?!!!!’”
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