Category: News Updates

“So, this is how republics die.” Score 0%

“So, this is how republics die.”

Yet, by staying out of the public square and sidestepping any involvement in the culture, contemporary Christendom has been partly responsible for the rise and establishment of the profane culture adulterated through public education over the last 75 years.

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Where then is the Church? Score 0%

Where then is the Church?

“Christians will have to take their Civics game to a new level. Somebody’s values are going to reign supreme in the public square. If Evangelical and Pro-Life Catholic Christians stay home from the voting booth – in a presidential year, no less than half of all Christians unfortunately refrain from being registered and voting – then those ‘who speak perverse things, who leave the paths of uprightness’ … will elect their candidates, create and pass legislation, bringing about anarchy as its ‘natural consequence and fitting punishment’ to a spiritually apathetic nation.”

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So, what is Palestine? Score 0%

So, what is Palestine?

Sheikh Hassan Yousef [born 1955] is a Palestinian West Bank leader and co-founder of Hamas. He represents the extremist faction Hamas and has spent 23 years in and out of Israeli prisons. In 1999, Mosab met a British missionary who introduced him to Christianity, and in August 2008, he was secretly baptized in Tel Aviv. Israel’s daily newspaper, Ha’aretz 2011, featured a story on Mosab Yousef’s conversion to Christ.1    His father in prison broke down and cried when he heard the news, only to be consoled by Muslim leaders and Israeli guards.

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Selecting competent men of truth

“A commonplace axiom among 18th-century Americans was that a people’s happiness or misery and a nation’s prosperity or distress were inseparable from the moral character of their rulers … Because man is a fallen creature and inclined to sinful things, human rulers ought not to be entrusted with absolute power [one should expect rulers to be fallible and liable to error in their work, and, indeed, disposed to corruption and even oppression].”

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This video offers a 20 second introduction to David Lane, founder of The American Renewal Project.
Washington Post Story on The American Renewal Project
Editor Steve Strang interviews David Lane on the restoration of our American Heritage.
Op-Ed - By Floyd Brown  May 17, 2023 - Western Journal
North Carolina Pastor and State Representative Neal Jackson