Category: Pastors & Clergy

Disturbing levels of depravity … Score 0%

Disturbing levels of depravity …

Democrats have multiple spiritual problems. All such inane ideologies like Critical Race Theory, DEI, homosexual and gender dysphoria, race division, and indoctrinating children to hate America and hate each other are destructive, dissolute and debased, and so far apart as to be irreconcilable with the American Founders’ precept of a nation founded for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith.

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NC Pastor Prayer Summit – Asheboro Dinner Event

Our inspirational keynote speaker will be American political commentator, Baptist minister, and former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee! If you’ve attended one of these prayer luncheons in the past, rest assured that this new event will be even more insightful (and meaningful) and likely full of surprises. We invite you to join us again and bring your spouse along. And if it’s your first time attending, brace yourself for an unforgettable experience and feel free to invite a friend to share in the occasion!

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NC Pastor Prayer Summits 2024

Our inspirational keynote speaker will be American political commentator, Baptist minister, and former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee! If you’ve attended one of these prayer luncheons in the past, rest assured that this new event will be even more insightful (and meaningful) and likely full of surprises. We invite you to join us again and bring your spouse along. And if it’s your first time attending, brace yourself for an unforgettable experience and feel free to invite a friend to share in the occasion!

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Where then is the Church? Score 0%

Where then is the Church?

“Christians will have to take their Civics game to a new level. Somebody’s values are going to reign supreme in the public square. If Evangelical and Pro-Life Catholic Christians stay home from the voting booth – in a presidential year, no less than half of all Christians unfortunately refrain from being registered and voting – then those ‘who speak perverse things, who leave the paths of uprightness’ … will elect their candidates, create and pass legislation, bringing about anarchy as its ‘natural consequence and fitting punishment’ to a spiritually apathetic nation.”

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Author Joel Rosenberg invited NC Pastors to Raleigh on 06/27/24

Our inspirational keynote speaker will be Joel C. Rosenberg the New York Times bestselling author of 17 novels and 5 nonfiction books with 5 million copies in print. Mr. Rosenberg is an American-Israeli communications strategist, also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of two news and analysis websites, All Israel All Arab News. Additionally, he is the host and executive producer of The Rosenberg Report the only weekly, prime time news and commentary show about Israel on any American news channel.

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NC Pastor Prayer Summit – Raleigh

Our inspirational keynote speaker will be Joel C. Rosenberg the New York Times bestselling author of 17 novels and 5 nonfiction books with 5 million copies in print. Mr. Rosenberg is an American-Israeli communications strategist, also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of two news and analysis websites, All Israel All Arab News. Additionally, he is the host and executive producer of The Rosenberg Report the only weekly, prime time news and commentary show about Israel on any American news channel.

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This video offers a 20 second introduction to David Lane, founder of The American Renewal Project.
Mike Huckabee explains what is going on 'behind the scenes' in our country.
Editor Steve Strang interviews David Lane on the restoration of our American Heritage.
Op-Ed - By Floyd Brown  May 17, 2023 - Western Journal
North Carolina Pastor and State Representative Neal Jackson