twelve12 Ways Sin Helps Us Understand the Bible

Is there any greater help to interpreting and understanding the Bible than a deep sense of one’s own sin?

1. When I feel my sinfulness, I am much more motivated to search the Scriptures for grace to help in my time of need.

2. When I am convicted of my sin, I doubt my own wisdom and rely more upon the Holy Spirit.

3. When I see my sin, I understand the character of God better – His frightening holiness and His refreshing love.

4. When I’m confronted with my sinful inability, I have no doubts about my need of sovereign electing grace.

5. When I grasp how bad my best deeds are, salvation by faith without works becomes fascinating and utterly compelling.

6. When I’m utterly condemned, all new perspectives on justification look ridiculous and I get a far deeper insight into the old but ever new perspective of justification by faith alone…

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