KellyAlbert Einstein once quipped: “If the facts don’t fit your theory, change the facts.” Chris Rodda’s Huffington Post article from March 7, 2014, “Liberty Institute’s Kelly Shackelford Spreads ‘Fear and Misinformation’ at Air Force Academy Leadership Symposium,” devoted 4,000 words to changing the facts.

In her article, Rodda got one thing right: Liberty Institute’s President and CEO Kelly Shackelford did in fact speak at the Air Force Academy’s recent National Character and Leadership Symposium. This prestigious event includes scholars, military leaders, corporate executives, and other national leaders. Shackelford fit right into this group; he is an award-winning First Amendment attorney who has argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, serves as a Trustee of the United States Supreme Court Historical Society, and last year was invited to lecture at the Court on the historic Tinker v. Des Moines decision.

In her article, Rodda accused Shackelford of spreading “fear and misinformation” at the Academy in his lectures about attacks on religious liberty in America, specifically disputing several cases described by Shackelford.

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