Two weeks before being sworn into office on January 20, 2021, President-Elect Joe Biden promised the American people that he would pursue a “restoration of democracy, of decency, of honor, of respect, the rule of law.” Last week, the president gave his wayward son Hunter the broadest of pardons.1 Harvard-trained lawyer Joseph Klein termed it the unpardonable pardon.2
In her column in USA Today of December 2, 2024, Ingrid Jacques writes that there was no better way for President Joe Biden to cement his legacy as a “liar” than pardoning his son after his repeated pledges and commitments to do the opposite.3
History will show Biden’s legacy as that of a habitual liar:
Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville said last week that the damage to the Democratic brand in 2024, and over the last decade, “is almost unfathomable.”4
George Horne [1730-1792], the English churchman and academic, aptly articulates where Biden’s perfidy comes down to: “When men cease to be faithful to their God, he who expects to find them so to each other will be much disappointed.”
Francis Bacon [1561-1626], the English philosopher and statesman who served as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England under King James I, adds: “Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue.”
In Biden’s case, What’s in the well has come up in the bucket. As such, the Democratic Party finds itself searching for easy answers and political antidotes to the cure for humanity’s fallen state, described in Genesis 3.
English theologian Richard Steele [1629-1692] – one of Matthew Henry’s ordainers at Steele’s house in London in 1687 – suggested to James Carville the call for an examination of the Democratic Party: “He that would be wise, let him read the Proverbs; he that would be holy, let him read the Psalms.”
The liberal rag Politico confirmed last week that Dems are “searching for a way out of the wilderness,”5 while at the same time completely ignoring the woke defilement of the Democratic Party’s core.
Marc Erik Elias [born 1969] is an American elections attorney for the Democratic Party and served as general counsel for the John Kerry presidential campaign in 2004, and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign in 2016. He oversaw the 2020 state-by-state response to the Trump campaign lawsuit contesting the presidential election results on behalf of the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee [DNC], and provided the counsel for the 2024 Kamala Harris presidential campaign. Following the November 5 debacle Elias argued last week:
“We now know that Trumpism is not a passing fad; it is not a temporary condition. Starting on Jan. 20, 2025, it will be an empowered regime.
“Had Joe Biden made good on his promise to be a transitional figure – a ‘bridge’ to a new generation of Democratic candidates – we might not be in this situation. He would have been a hero. Now, he will be remembered most for his ill-advised decision to attempt a reelection run.”6
Michael Barone [born 1944], best known as the principal architect of The Almanac of American Politics, signals additional storm clouds gathering on the horizon for Democrats. In an article titled Trump Gains Among Nonwhite People: Historical Precedent and Possible Harbinger, he writes:
“Did anyone expect when they heard [Trump’s] announcement at the base of the escalator in June 2015, that 9 years later, he would be elected to a second term with sharp increases in Republican percentages from nonwhite people – Latinos especially, but also Black and Asian people?
“Trump won increased support from groups that his opponents and most commentators never thought he could. The 2024 CNN exit poll shows Trump winning 17% of Black people to Vice President Kamala Harris’ 82%, tying her 48% to 48% among Hispanic people and beating her 50% to 47% among Asians.”7
American Founders John Witherspoon [1723-1794] and James Madison [1751-1836] seem a perfect place to begin for an analysis of the “way out of the wilderness” for Democrats. Both were pivotal in shaping the principles and foundations of representative government in the United States.
Witherspoon was a Presbyterian minister, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and president of the College of New Jersey [now Princeton University]. Enlightenment profoundly influenced his thought and Reformed theology, emphasizing the importance of moral virtue and governance by the consent of the governed.
As Madison’s professor at Princeton, Witherspoon introduced Madison to the Scottish Enlightenment, grounding him in ideas of natural law, moral philosophy, and self-governance principles. Witherspoon’s teachings emphasized the need for a virtuous and educated citizenry to sustain a Republic.
Both Madison and Witherspoon believed that the success of representative government depends upon a morally upright citizenry and leaders who prioritize the common good over personal gain. Witherspoon infused Madison with the Christian moral framework and Enlightenment teaching that influenced the founding principles of the U.S. government.
Democrats have embraced secular idolatry over the last century as the mundane religion lording over the nation. Weak leadership is but its by-product.
Elijah appeared on the public stage during a similar period in ancient Israel. A.W. Pink asserts that idolatry had become the state religion: the worship of Baal was the order of the day, with wickedness rampant on every side. But then:
“Unannounced and unattended, a plain man, dressed in very humble garb, appeared before Israel’s apostate king as the messenger of Jehovah and the herald of dire judgment. No one in the court would know much, if anything, about him, but he had just emerged from the obscurity of Gilead to stand before Ahab with the keys of Heaven in his hand.
“Such are often the witnesses to His Truth, which God has employed. At His bidding they come and go: not from the ranks of the influential and learned do they issue. They are not the products of this world system, nor does the world place any laurels on their brow.”
In God’s unending order, Gideons and Rahabs are beginning to stand.
David Lane
American Renewal Project
1. nypost.com/2024/12/02/us-news/all-of-the-times-joe-biden-and-his-administration-said-he-wouldnt-pardon-hunter/
2. Joseph Klein, Unpardonable pardon; Frontpage Magazine, December 6, 2024.
3. www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/12/02/hunter-biden-pardon-president-legacy/76698699007/
4. thehill.com/homenews/campaign/5015686-james-carville-kamala-harris-campaign-spending-democrats/
5. www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook-pm/2024/12/03/dems-look-for-a-way-out-of-the-wilderness-00132333?nname=playbook-pm&nid=0000015a-dd3e-d536-a37b-dd7fd8af0000&nrid=0000014e-f117-dd93-ad7f-f917f91b0000&nlid=964328
6. www.democraticunderground.com/100219719235
7. www.heraldextra.com/news/opinion/2024/nov/23/barone-trump-gains-among-nonwhite-people-historical-precedent-and-possible-harbinger/