WOW! Wish you were there! Stay tuned for upcoming events.
Dear SC Pastor, ministry leader and spouse,
South Carolina pastors and ministry leaders you and your spouses are cordially invited to attend one of the upcoming, complimentary SC Pastor Prayer Summits featuring Special Guest: Mike Huckabee. See venues below.
These 2023 South Carolina ‘Pastor Prayer Summits’ are all-new and exclusively designed for pastors and ministry leaders, along with their spouses. During these complimentary* private gatherings, attendees will be treated to inspiring speeches from guest speakers, enjoy a delightful meal, pray for one another and engage in meaningful fellowship and planning. (*no offering will be taken.)
If you pastor a church, or lead a ministry, you are cordially invited to attend one of these upcoming events. Come meet keynote speaker: Mike Huckabee and many others as we discuss what it really means to be the ekklesia in 2023 and beyond!
For those who have participated in these events before, please be advised these entirely new gatherings promise to be even more exciting and memorable. We encourage you to join us again and bring your spouse along. If this is your first time attending, get ready for an incredible experience and don’t forget to invite a friend to join in on the insights as to how to refresh South Carolina communities in 2023 and beyond.
Come and be inspired!
Please contact me if you have questions.
Dr. Gary Miller
[email protected]
(817) 975-5054
Lexington Pastor Prayer Luncheon – 11.20.23 – 11:30AM
Lake Bowen Pastor Prayer Dinner – 11.20.23 – 6:00PM