MI PastorsHundreds of Michigan Pastors and Christian leaders gathered on the steps on the State Capital in Lansing, Michigan to hold a press conference in opposition to the growing movement within the Michigan Legislature to amend the State’s Civil Rights Act—Elliott Larson—to include sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. (Photo via YouTube)

“We, the undersigned Christian Pastors of the State of Michigan declare our opposition to adding sexual orientation, gender identity or other similar designation to the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.” -Pastor Doug Levesque, Immanuel Baptist Church, Corunna, Michigan, reading a pastor’s joint statement.

The job of the Michigan Legislature is to affirm and uphold constitutionally protected freedom for everyone—including business owners—not pass laws that grant special favors, give special status or guarantee special protections for some while coercing and punishing others….

Full story: http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=14834#