I have come to an unfortunate conclusion. The greatest threat to the future of this grand experiment in human freedom is our own government.
There is a low point in the history of the Jewish people that I believe applies to where those of us who still believe in American Exceptionalism find ourselves today.
With the nation of Israel ruled by the treacherous King Saul, a deceitful politician primarily driven by personal ambition (not unlike most of our political leaders in this day and age), a champion named David who has been appointed by God to replace Saul fears for his life. Sensing the divine favor and calling David has on his life, and that David symbolizes a threat that is being raised up to replace Saul’s failed status quo, Saul seeks to kill David thus wiping out the movement he represents.
As a result, David and his loyalists have to go into hiding. In fact, they even spend some time seeking refuge from their own people within the lands of their sworn pagan enemy the Philistines. By doing so, David is not forfeiting the authority of the Israelite government to a corrupted ruling class. Rather, David is recognizing the reality that the current government has become so corrupt that it cannot be trusted to do anything righteous until a more righteous generation arises to replace it.
Make no mistake, the treacherous spirit of King Saul rules and reigns in Washington, D.C. as we speak, which is why in the past couple of years I have come to an unfortunate conclusion. The greatest threat to the future of this grand experiment in human freedom is our own government…
By Steve Deace: Read full article here:: http://stevedeace.com/news/national-politics/articles-of-conscience-government/
Articles of Conscience — Government