“I could tell you a lot of amusing stories about my folks adjusting to life in America, but I want to fast forward to the most significant thing that has ever happened to me, and it happened when I was a child. A friend I knew gave me a rather odd Christmas present, he gave me a Bible.
Some time later, a girl I knew invited me to church. Here I was, looking for a date, and meanwhile she was looking to save my soul. I found the Gospel message intriguing, but I was skeptical. I’m an analytical sort of person, so I decided I would have to investigate all these fanciful claims. So I started reading this Bible, often times in my closet, as I wasn’t sure how my parents would respond.
The short story is this, I read the words of Jesus Christ and I realized that they were true. I used to think that I had found God, but I believe it is more accurate to say that He found me. And it happened because people were brave enough to plant seeds of the Gospel in my life.