The exasperated Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians, “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.”1 For close to a hundred years, contemporary America has made a similar wrongful choice with its embrace of godless secularism, and that in a nation “Founded for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith [Mayflower Compact].” Two distinct religions vie for ideological supremacy in the nation’s public arena – eternal and immutable Christianity versus transient and mutable secularism – and those interested in understanding should seek out Solomon’s insight in Proverbs 17:16: “Why should fools have money in hand to buy wisdom, when they are not able to understand it?” Dullards have no heart for God or His ways. Jewish Hebrew scholar Michael V. Fox expounds on it in more detail in his excellent Proverbs: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary: “Wisdom cannot be bought – not because it is so expensive, but because no valuables can be compared to it. Wisdom belongs to a different category of value and hence cannot be acquired in [secular] fashion.” Representing a god opposite to the Biblical God, today’s public education embraces in secularism a distinctly divergent religion, which allows miscreants and government education bureaucrats to diffuse and instill in America’s youth a profane secular creed that’ll be ultimately detrimental to their prospect of maintaining and preserving freedom. However, President Trump’s dismantling the Department of Education is a glorious beginning! With that said, we come to the abnormal state of the Democratic Party, whose chieftains and lieutenants currently, in the words of Josh Holmes, “argue in favor of foreign terrorist gangs remaining in the United States because of judicial review, Hamas supporters remaining with visas for First Amendment purposes, and men playing women’s sports because of equality.” We offer the unsolicited advice to take hold of the Biblical instruction in Proverbs 4:13-16, to actively seek it, to grip it firmly and to not let go: “Guard her, for she is your life. Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not go the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not travel on it; Turn away from it and pass on … [Why?] For the wicked cannot sleep unless they do evil, And they are deprived of sleep unless they make someone stumble and fall.” Dr. Fox put these words to the passage: “The path of the wicked is not somewhere off in the distance, far from the path of the righteous. Somehow, their path zigzags through the territory of life. You are in danger not only if you choose to seek it out; you may come upon it willy-nilly as it crosses or nears your own life course. When that happens, it is not enough just to continue on your way. You must actively ‘shun’ [para’] the evil path and “veer aside’ [satah] from it without tarrying [Sa’adiah].” Fox concludes by saying that “The wicked have a need to cause harm; their ‘peace of mind’ depends upon it. They have a strange need for corruption for its own sake.” |

In Galatians 3:1, the Apostle Paul takes it a step further, “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?” The Greek word baskainó is translated as bewitched, a term used in divination and the occult. America’s squandering of its Judeo-Christian heritage and Biblically based culture was likewise as if it spiritually got under the spell of the cleverly devised plot to abort America’s rise as a Christian nation and fulfillment of the Jamestown founders’ stated mission in 1607 “to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and raise Godly generations after us.” Through the 17th and 18th centuries, America’s greatest export was Jesus Christ, Son of God and Lord of Life, rather than democratic capitalism. The Founders’ spiritual wisdom based upon a faithful Biblical worldview led them to conclude that a nation’s rights come from God, not from government, and that the purpose of government is to protect the liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. This brings us to the current battle over the unchecked power of district court judges and their unconstitutional interference with the Executive Branch of government and President Donald Trump. The President of the United States, they say, may not fire people who work for him, or spend money controlled by agencies of the executive branch, and may not deport certain illegal aliens.2 In effect, it comes down to overriding the first sentence of Article II of the Constitution: “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” More nationwide injunctions and restraining orders have been issued in fact against President Trump in the past month than were issued against the Biden administration in four years.4 The current obstruction launched by rogue Obama and Biden U.S. District Court judges amounts to a blatant assault on the American people and their elected Chief Executive, Donald J. Trump. Kurt Schlichter, a senior columnist at Townhall and a Los Angeles trial lawyer and retired army infantry colonel, outlined the ultimate outcome perfectly: “The refusal of the executive to obey a judiciary that oversteps its reasonable authority is a check and balance. It is a feature, not a bug.”5 The American Founders’ wisdom in establishing the separation of power in government through a checks-and-balances system needs to be reinforced and conscientiously observed. American clergyman, theologian, and author William S. Plumer [1802-1880] was recognized as an intellectual leader of the Presbyterian Church in the 1800s. In explaining the American Founders’ worldview, reasoning, and insistence on the importance of checks and balances, he wrote: “In many things, our estimates are extravagant, but we never overestimate the evil of sin. It is corrupting as it is damning. It covers the soul with plague-spots, with leprosy [Isaiah 1:5-6].” Thankfully, Gideons and Rahabs have begun to stand. David Lane American Renewal Project 1. Galatians 1:6 2. shorturl.at/hNwsB 3. thefederalist.com/2025/03/20/the-judicial-insurrection-is-worse-than-you-think/ 4. x.com/KurtSchlichter/status/1901265148796641605 5. constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S1-3-1/ALDE_00013290/ |