North Carolina Christian conservatives are beginning to realize that mustering and marshaling parishioners to vote for their Biblical values is a good thing to do.
“Contemporary secularists, seeking dominion, in the public square of this nation, are not interested in framing a public debate about Christian values. They intend to annihilate The Truth of Jesus Christ from the public square. They marginalize Christians, as subjects of the state. We are not. We are Christian citizens of this nation, and subjects of The Kingdom of God. Big difference. ” Dr. Gary Miller

If winning people to Christ is the main thing, it makes perfect sense that preserving the liberty to win people to Christ is the second most important thing. Be sure that you are registered to vote AND to voter your values at election time!
CITIZEN SUNDAY = Pray to Hear, and Vote to Speak

Anyone who believes what is happening in this nation, is a conflict, between two political ideologies, is sorely confused. It is Spiritual Warfare, between God Jehovah and the false god of secularism. Anyone who shirks from this kind of warfare, usually takes cover, under the thread bare guise of the separation of church and state. Framing a theoretical, civic debate, and engaging in Spiritual Warfare require a serious look at Scripture.
The Apostle Paul was not ashamed, to take his stand, in the public square, and demand the rights afforded him, as a free-born citizen of Rome. Before you kneel under pressure, to cheapen your citizenship, in order to conform to the intimidating forces of secularism, take a look at how much Paul valued his citizenship.
- Our battle in North Carolina is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, the powers, the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. [Ephesians 6:12]
“You’re at a moment in history that is as defining as anything in the Old Testament. You’re at a point where some people have to have the courage to witness for Christ, some people have to have the courage to stand up and tell the truth to their flock, and some people have to have the courage to get into the public arena themselves.” Newt Gingrich

- Choose wisely and vote!
How do people take part in making a nation righteous? By being salt and light — “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” (Matthew 5:13)
One of the ways people can be salt to flavor and even preserve the world is to influence who manages our government by participating in the election process and voting. When eligible voters choose not to vote, they walk away from our chance to make a difference.
“Whatever the reason for voting, it all comes down to duty. Our nation was born from stout-hearted patriots who knew their duty and did it, even when the odds were against them. So even when there are concerns about the integrity of the election process, there is still a civic responsibility to vote. By arming ourselves with facts and testing those facts against prayerful reflection and biblical values, we can be assured that we have made informed choices and carried out our duty, regardless of the outcome. “ Debbie Wuthnow, President i-Voter Guide