Iowa pastors and ministry leaders had a great time attending one of the these complimentary Iowa Pastor Prayer Summits featuring Special Guest: Mike Huckabee. Thanks for the memories!
Stay tuned for upcoming events.
These Iowa Prayer Summit meetings are all-new complimentary gatherings expressly for IA pastors, church and ministry leaders and their spouses. Take advantage of this opportunity to come together to refresh, pray, and to meet Governor Mike Huckabee as we consider the course forward for the future of Iowa. – Mike Huckabee is the host of the TV show “Huckabee” on TBN each weekend and is a Fox News contributor, New York Times best-selling author of 14 books!
“Thousands of church leaders and their spouses have attended these complimentary events across our nation – and 99.9% of attendees agree that the meetings have been insightful, educational, refreshing and a real blessing. “

You, and your spouse, and ministry leaders are cordially invited to attend the complimentary ‘Pastor Prayer Breakfast’ in Cedar Rapids, IA on Thursday, December 14th at 7:45am where our guest speaker will be Baptist minister, political commentator, former governor of Arkansas and host of the popular television program Huckabee. Early risers get the best seats for this unforgettable gathering in Cedar Rapids!

Come join with like-minded church and ministry friends, and their spouses in the Des Moines area for lunch and a short time of prayer, relaxation, education and rejuvenation. The event and luncheon are free, and no offering will be taken. Note that Mike Huckabee was named one of the “25 Most Influential People” for Conservation by Outdoor Life Magazine, and was named “Man of the Year” by the American Sportfishing Association. This gathering promises to be one of your favorite lunch dates of the year!

Pastors, ministry leaders and spouses register now for this complimentary dinner event to be held on Thursday, December 14 beginning at 6:30pm, sharp! If you have one of these events before, you will not want to miss this all-NEW dinner event featuring Mike Huckabee host of “Huckabee” on TBN Sat 7/10pm , Sun 8pm Fox News contributor, author, Former AR Gov, Bass Guitarist, grandfather of 7 cutest kids in world! Newcomer’s welcome, bring a ministry friend.