MONTGOMERY, Ala., /Christian Newswire/ — This Wednesday, October 2, at 1:00 PM, a group of Birmingham pastors will hold a press conference hosted by Rep. Arnold Mooney in Room 310 of the Alabama State House, 11 South Union Street, Montgomery. The five pastors speaking represent a coalition of over 100 pastors, clergy, and ministers in the Metro Birmingham area who recently signed The Birmingham Proclamation. Speakers include: – Dr. Harry Reeder, Briarwood Presbyterian Church – Fr. Terry Gensemer, Charismatic Episcopal Church for Life – Pastor Zanthia Turner, Bread of Life World Outreach Ministries – Fr. Charles Troncale, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church (Montgomery) – Fr. Michael Novotny, Christ the King Anglican – Rep. Arnold Mooney, Alabama Legislature The Birmingham Proclamation expresses clear opposition to the expansion of abortion in the state of Alabama, especially in the case of the new Planned Parenthood being constructed in downtown Birmingham. The Proclamation also calls for unity among churches and encourages the Christian community to continue being a refuge for the preborn and their mothers and fathers. Dr. Harry Reeder comments, “There is nothing more crucial than to end the destructive charade propagated and implemented by Planned Parenthood clinics, that the death of the child in the womb is the answer to an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.” Fr. Michael Novotny adds, “The Birmingham Proclamation goes so far as to declare Birmingham a sanctuary city for preborn children and their pregnant mothers. My hope is that this proclamation will be a prototype for other cities in our great state and around our nation.” The Proclamation also addresses Planned Parenthood’s targeting of the African American community. |