A religious liberties bill in Kansas has citizens of The Sunflower State embroiled in a bitter battle – and some who stand in support of the legislation are receiving personal threats.
On Wednesday, Kansas lawmakers advanced the Religious Freedom Act (House Bill 2453). If passed in the Senate, the legislation would provide the legal right to deny services to same-sex couples or civil unions on the grounds of religious freedom.
Described as an act “concerning religious freedoms with respect to marriage,” individuals or religious organizations could legally deny “any services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods or privileges” to anybody preparing to celebrate marriage, domestic partnerships, civil unions or similar arrangements. If one’s religious convictions are sincere enough, they wouldn’t even have to “treat any marriage, domestic partnership, civil union or similar arrangement as valid.”
Donna Lippoldt, founder of the Kansas-based Culture Shield Network, says if homosexual-rights advocates have their way, religious freedom will be non-existent.
“We are trying to activate Christians in Kansas to call their legislator and encourage them,” she shares. “It’s supposed to be for all faiths, no matter if you’re a Muslim or a Hindu – or a Muslim who has a catering service that doesn’t want to serve pork at a wedding. They wouldn’t think of giving them a problem.”
– See more at: http://onenewsnow.com/politics-govt/2014/02/17/debate-over-religious-freedom-bill-becoming-uncorked-in-kansas#.UwK5yoXvx8k