Empowering Christian Citizens: A Call to Action
In North Carolina, Christian conservatives are increasingly recognizing the importance of mobilizing their communities to vote based on Biblical values. “Contemporary secularists, seeking dominion, in the public square of this nation, are not interested in framing a public debate about Christian values. They intend to annihilate The Truth of Jesus Christ from the public square. They marginalize Christians, as subjects of the state. We are not. We are Christian citizens of this nation, and subjects of The Kingdom of God. Big difference.” Dr. Gary Miller. Below please find some materials that will aid in assisting your congregation in preparing for the upcoming election.
1. Click on image below to download Pastor Prayer notes for pulpit announcement:

2. Click on the image below to download the PowerPoint slide for Sunday morning projection during announcements:

3. Click on the image below to download the Church bulletin insert for Citizen Sunday: