Floyd Brown: This ‘Vote Delivery Machine’ Has Rescued North Carolina from Dems and Could Save the Country

Politico reported early this year in an analysis on North Carolina, “It’s a state Democrats have been buzzing about for years as a battleground hotspot — one expected to draw in big spending on the presidential race, a marquee governor’s race and congressional elections that could tip the tightly divided House in 2024.
“But the party has never been able to push North Carolina into true tossup-state status like it has with Arizona or Georgia.”
What these pundits don’t know about is the publicly quiet but politically powerful work of David Lane, the creator of the American Renewal Project. I have been an observer of Lane’s work for two decades. It has reached its most effective level in North Carolina.
In 2021, Lane hosted 13 lunches for pastors in North Carolina spanning the state. Two thousand and seven hundred North Carolina church leaders attended these events featuring Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. In the end, 50 leaders from the events ran for office and 25 won their primaries. On Nov. 8, 10 of those leaders were elected to office.
The dirty secret of GOP politics is that when Christians are engaged and vote, Republicans win. When Republicans ignore Christians and don’t work to turn them out to vote, Republicans lose.
In my new book, “Counterpunch: An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom“, I showcase the effectiveness of strategies such as those employed by Lane.
I am expecting to see even more results from Lane’s work in 2024. He has added a new, explosively important element: expungement.
Lane is working diligently with black churches to help black men and women exonerated by President Donald Trump’s First Step Act get their criminal records expunged so they will be more employable and have enhanced job opportunities.
Lane calls the new meetings “festivals of hope.” These meetings start with a pastor’s unity luncheon, then a group of expungement lawyers provide free-of-charge expungement filings for church members attending. The festival night ends with food and a praise and worship concert.
Democrats give lip service to the black community; the American Renewal Project is loving on the black community through the churches and pastors organized by Lane.
In “Counterpunch,” I analyze how the strategy of Saul Alinsky is based on division and ridicule. His purpose was to create division and fear in the underclass against Republicans. Both Obama and Hillary Clinton are devotees of his brutal and divisive tactics.
I believe Republicans need to answer this Alinsky agenda of division, fear and hatred with the message of Christ — a message of radical love. Christians need to answer with an agenda of unity, security and love.
Lane’s political agenda is engaging Christians in politics to bring Americans together for the values we all agree upon.
Continue reading here: https://www.westernjournal.com/floyd-brown-vote-delivery-machine-rescued-north-carolina-dems-save-country/