If you have attended these unique prayer luncheons before, you will not want to miss these all new gatherings. Please do join us again and bring your spouse. If this is your first time attending, ‘strap on your seatbelt’, and bring a ministry friend for one of the most memorable lunch get -togethers imaginable.
“It’s never about the role, it’s about the goal.” Lt. Governor Mark Robinson.
Dear NC Pastor, ministry leader and spouse,
You are cordially invited to join with North Carolina ministry leaders and their spouses at one of the upcoming Pastor and Ministry Leader Gathering listed below, where our Keynote Speaker will be North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson.
Come join with like-minded church and ministry friends, and their spouses, for a short time of prayer, relaxation, education and rejuvenation. The event and luncheon are free, and no offering will be taken.
“On a personal note, I have attended eight of these events with NC Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson, and have never heard him offer up a canned stump speech. Every time he speaks he delivers a fresh word. Expect a blessing.” Dr. Gary Miller
As pastors, ministry leaders and spouses, we must understand the times in which we live, and lead with Biblical insight to be salt and light in our cities, states, and nation.
If you pastor a church, or lead a ministry, you are cordially invited to attend. Check out all the new dates and venues below: